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Cracking the Rich Code Vol 1- The Esoteric Entrepreneur

The first book in the series, Merrilee offers uncommon common sense in The Esoteric Entrepreneur. The skillsets named in the chapter not only give clarity on how to represent oneself professionally but also gives insight into personality traits in tandem with her book The Game. The chapter acts as a springboard for the deep discussion on how to recognize your player in The Game.  


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Cracking the Rich Code Vol 4, Why Love is Always the Answer

Why Love is Always the Answer tells a story about Robert, a man, who in the pursuit of money, chooses his career before his relationship with the people who mean the most and the result of his choices. Elise is a woman of God, her choice to put love before all else results in everlasting happiness. Robert's story represents humanity as a whole, whereas Elise represents how different life can be when we make love the answer. 


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Cracking the Rich Code Vol 9 - Just Be Love

And now these three remain: Hope, Faith, and Love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13.  Just Be Love tells a riviting story about how Merrilee's commitment to love conquered adversity with every test to bring blessings she didn't see coming. In this third chapter of the book series she shares the account of the people who challenged her skill set and ultimately served to elevate her to her destiny. 


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I AM STILL HERE - Listening to Her Story

"Listening to Her Story" is a title Merrilee uses for social media posts when sharing about men and women she mentors. This time, the story is her own. She shares the back story that tells a first-person account of her experience with her relationship with her mother, losing her to cancer, being a mother and wife, and what occurred to change her trajectory to divorce, losing her home, and her commitment to love to become a best-selling author, personality, and authority. 


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THE CHANGE Vol 16 - The Problem with Women

The Change is a compilation of inspiring stories from twenty insightful co-authors. In Merrilee's chapter, "The Problem with Women," she tells a generational story to help the reader see a different perspective. This chapter serves as an introduction to her upcoming book "The Difference," a man's guide to self-awareness. Her chapter along with others is sure to touch your heart and mind, inspiring an elevated awareness about love. 


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THE GAME, Winning by Virtue One Move at a Time

The Game is a formula to simplify the complexity of love by learning how to set boundaries by learning the rules, elevate standards by adhering to the pieces, and build a virtuous character by moving one piece at a time. The Game is appropriate for all ages and all stages of life, giving clarity about human behavior according to the laws of love. 




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